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VI International chesnut symposium
Miyun-Beijing (China) 25-28 september, 2008


Selection of Castanea sativa Mill. for Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi: Testing of Selected Clones.

B. Cuenca¹, M.R. Fernández¹, L. Ocaña², C. Salinero³, C. Pintos³, J.P. Mansilla³ and C. Rial³

¹TRAGSA Departamento de Mejora Agroforestal. Crta. Maceda-Valdrey, km.2. 32700 Maceda. Ourense. Spain.
²TRAGSA. Dirección Técnica. Unidad de Viveros. C/ Maldonado 58. 4ª planta 28006 Madrid. Spain.
³Estación Fitopatolóxica do Areeiro (Diputación de Pontevedra), Subida a la Robleda s/n. 36153 Pontevedra.

ABSTRACT:Between 2000 and 2005, TRAGSA conducted a EUREKA project funded by the Spanish Government, for the exhaustive prospecting of Castanea sativa trees in Galicia. Third Forest National Inventory and Forest Map were used, localising ink disease severely affected areas, where chestnut was first or second species. 206 trees were selected throughout 18,808.84 ha in 1 and 2 Bouhier's regression areas. These clones were established for in vitro propagation (Cuenca et al, 2005) as well as tested for resistance by inoculating excised shoots of adult material (Robin et al, 2006). Results of these tests were not repetitive due to the high dependence on the physiology of material coming from the field. Therefore, acclimated vitroplants of the selected trees were produced when possible, and root inoculation was conducted. At the same time, an in vitro test (Rial and col., 2007) was also carried out to determine a possible correlation between both types of tests and therefore the possibility of performing the in vitro test for the rest of the collection. Physiology of acclimated vitroplants seemed to have an important influence on the result of root inoculation, as all the clones tested during spring or early summer died in a percentage higher than those tested at the end of summer. From the 18 clones tested from May to July, 3 of them survived in a percentage higher than 75%, and one of them presented no ink disease symptoms. When clones were tested in vitro, all the explants died. There seems to be some relation between resistance and time to express the symtomps in vitro, so the more resistant the clone is, the longer it takes to die. Molecular characterization by SSRs (Yamamoto and col., 2003) for those clones presenting resistance features is on process to know if they are pure sativa genotypes or resistance is due to the presence of Asiatic alleles.

Keywords: Castanea sativa, Phytophthora cinnamomi, resistencia