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I Simposio Iberoamericano – IV Jornadas Ibéricas de Horticultura Ornamental
Pontevedra, 15-17 October 2008


Primeros resultados en el control de larvas de curculiónidos que afectan a plantas de vivero con nematodos entomopatógenos

A. Picoaga, A. Abelleira, J.P. Mansilla, R. Pérez y C. Salinero

Estación Fitopatolóxica do Areeiro. Excma. Diputación Provincial de Pontevedra. Subida a la Robleda s/n. 36153 Pontevedra.

ABSTRACT: Entomopathogenic nematodes (NEP) are a group of obligate insect nematodes that are being symbiotically associated with bacteria, which turn them into a potential biological insecticide. These nematodes belong to Steinernema and Heterorhabditis genus, and are associated to bacteria of the genus Xenorhabdus and Photorhabdus, respectively. Entomopathogenic nematodes penetrate into the insect larvae, causing its death within a short interval time, thus they are being used to control a wide range of pests affecting several species. Genus Otiorrhynchus is one of the most relevant insect pests found in nursery plants. Their larvae are very voracious, feeding on plant roots along the larval stage, weakening and in certain cases causing its death. The control of these pests is usually performed using chemical products; however, current legislation is removing many of the active ingredients available in the market, which makes it necessary to search for alternative methods to control them. In the present work, an efficiency assay using these entomopathogenic nematodes was carried out in the laboratory against Curculio elephas Gyll. larvae. The behaviour of four entomopathogenic strains against this insect was studied at different temperatures and inoculum concentrations. In addition, an efficiency assay was carried out in the field by using NEPs from indigenous strains of the species Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, to evaluate its effectivity against curculionid larvae on Camellia spp. plants, in two nurseries in Galicia.

Key words: biological control, pest insects, Otiorrhynchus, Heterorhabditis, Steinernema